Self Insure Wisconsin was Built IN Wisconsin and Built FOR Wisconsin
Health plans that give control, savings, and transparency back to Wisconsin employers & employees
Self Insure Wisconsin health plans are set up to save money, time, and taxes and give control, savings, and transparency back to Wisconsin employers and employees.
We are done watching clients struggle to find and keep quality health plans for their employees, so we built our own self-insured health plans for Wisconsin. Everything we do at Self Insure Wisconsin is about using transparent vendors that are all on the same page and integrated together.
Not all health plans are created equal, and just because you are self-insured now does not mean you are saving money! We attack what is truly causing health premiums and costs to rise by eliminating waste, inefficiencies, fraud, and vendor financial incentives. We instill education, advocacy, and transparency to fuel everyone in your plan to help drive down health plan costs.